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SEO For E-commerce Products & Small Businesses

Are you struggling, worried that the competition has better visibility online? Wondering if your e-commerce products are in front of the right buyers? Is search engine optimization for products confusing?

You shouldn’t worry about ranking on Google or any search engine.

Your rankings will improve with the help of a dedicated E-Commerce SEO services team. Resulting in better conversions with much higher increased ROI (return on investment).

eCommerce SEO, Importance of getting your products online

We’re a transparent Search Marketing Company Certified in Google Ads focused on empowering small businesses providing search engine optimization (SEO) for ecommerce stores and small business seo services.

Consumers are online shopping (ecommerce stores) more than ever before. Quick and Convenient!

E-commerce websites, such as these should be mobile responsive and load quickly with rich schema mark-up. No more scrolling and clicking around getting lost deep into a website. Users want to have a meaningful personalized, smooth customer journey throughout their online shopping experience.
Having an optimized website for both desktop and mobile devices will help eliminate why users might leave (bounce) clicking away from your website and losing customers.

Directions to your brick-and-mortar (mom and pop) business are important! You want them just a click away, online too. Utilizing “Google Search & Maps” helps to discover your products. Seo for ecommerce stores allows customers to easily find your products.

Local search engine optimization (SEO) is the definitive, most effective “online marketing channel”. Google even offers not only free GMB listings, but Google Merchant Center (pay-per-click model, proximity or distance from users location).

Optimized websites for ecommerce stores (SEO) receiving traffic that are holistic and organic, which shouldn’t get confused with other marketing channels for example: email, social media, PPC, etc. 

Basic and effortless product descriptions will simply not be enough to compete in today’s digital age. You need to optimize your website, GMB listing (if you have one), it also needs to be structured properly and updated on a regular basis.

  • Website structure is most crucial with e-commerce websites with things such as: keyword cannibalism, pagination, taxonomies (“categorization, grouping and classification”-tree structure)   

We know what it’s like being confused with technical website jargon (WordPress, domains/subdomains, directories, web hosting, Shopify, Wix, blogging etc) (ie. meta data, sitemaps, schema mark-up, voice search) relating to Websites, Google My Business and Paid Advertising.

A Managed GBP listing “Google Business Profile” (more about the newest features and change to Google Business Page on “Google The Keyword” – fostering new conversations) can also play a massive marketing channel all on its own, with a free marketing kit and free business listing on Google.

Optimization can mean a lot of things when it comes to web pages. We optimize for search engines (mainly Google):

  • page speed
  • responsive web design
  • on-off page seo
  • descriptions (titles, headings)
  • meta tags
  • voice search
  • links “back-links + internal linking”
  • *Google Search Console (GSC)
  • *Google Analytics

* Optimizing using Google’s free tools gives us user and data insights.  

Number one reason for hiring a Professional Local SEO Company and why it should be in your marketing budget?

#1 🔎 Visibility (quality traffic, or clicks) it’s not about “quantity” or how many people (users) are clicking to your website, but the “quality” of those clicks (the user intent behind the search) and what they’re doing once on your site. 👀

Your products or services need a little help, a boost we can help reach more customers with detailed business insights. Users are now searching for large phrases with targeted keywords more than ever.

Marketing your small or micro business attracting more customers in your service area (local).

Nothing is worse and or discouraging then having a website that has been designed beautifully (time, money and effort) showcasing your company and all you offer your customers, just to find out Google isn’t even showing them properly, or they are sitting on page 10 in the SERP (search engine results page), resulting in zero clicks.

Take action, schedule an appointment today. 

seo for ecommerce image with text only

5 Reasons Your Small Business Needs to Optimize for Search

What is SEO and how does it work for small businesses in 2022 and beyond?

Getting found on “Search engines” mainly Google by means of optimizing your website structure, url’s, website coding (micro-data-JSON), keywords, phrases, seo tools etc gives you the power to grab your user’s attention and engage with them. A few things you can implement for customer engagement:

  • Reply to comments & Reviews
  • Get involved in social media events ) and or locally in your community
  • Have social share buttons on your website
  • Search engines are looking for the most relevant, authoritative content and (products) that are closest (proximity) to that user.

We monitor and study “analyze” (what users are searching for? keyword intent, types of actions or micro-conversions they take on your website and how long they stay “bounce rate”) into an easy to read report.

Is SEO important for small businesses?

E-Commerce SEO is a key component that every business website should implement, ranking in search “local or not”. If you’re not implementing seo, your competition will or is. We live in a fast paced digital world, optimizing content for the user (customer journey) is crucial.

Get started today with GaasDigital Marketing and our small business seo services today. We create great user experiences for your customers and not just for search engines. Optimizing website elements making it easy for search engines to display and understand your content, products and or services is our priority.

SEO is very important playing a vital role recognized by all search engines, without it search engines wouldn’t have a clue where to find your services or products. Google being the powerhouse it is, favors local content (audiences).

Creating great user experiences focused on your unique offerings allows users to easily find you. Building organic traffic is crucial to long-lasting evergreen content and very cost effective.  

Is SEO needed for e-commerce?

Seo for Ecommerce websites is absolutely needed and should be optimized for search engines in order to reach customers ready to buy.

With the right search marketing team you can begin your journey to being a market leader appearing on the first page. On-page optimization is most important (ie. product descriptions, images, alt tags etc)

How to improve my small e-commerce business online?

  • Reviews  (ask customers)
  • Brand building (social media)
  • Hire a Google Ads Specialist (GaasDigital Marketing)
  • Facebook advertising
  • Testimonials
  • Understand your audience
  • Update posts (content) regularly
  • *Keep product inventory updated (Google Merchant Center, Google for Retail)

This “list” is only a few of the many different ways to tackle and improve your business online. As consumers spend more online, it’s imperative engaging with and where your audience (consumer) is.


We’ve covered a few different points (questions), why your small business and or e-commerce store would benefit from seo services for your products that include detailed descriptions (gaining targeted traffic).

How important local audiences “shoppers” (customers) are to your online success, marketing your products online with long-term e-commerce seo techniques. The importance of different digital marketing and online advertising channels.

Content marketing, paid ads, (LSA) Local Service Ads, Citation and link building are also components that can help us grow your audience showing searching users your authority.

E-commerce websites benefit the most ROI (return on investment) by either hiring the right seo company and or implementing seo strategies themselves (in-house-not recommended). It’ll be very hard competing against large brand names such as Amazon, McDonalds, Etsy online in any retail space.

Organic online traffic takes time but also builds trust and authority, paid traffic (paid ads) will get you results a lot faster that can also be targeted with the right Ad Company using analytics, data and user tagging. 

An online strategy with a Certified professional seo services company you can trust with your budget, brand and reputation is a key component for quality results.

Not every business(s), product or service needs the same marketing approach (channel).  Depending on the size of your business, market and the service area you cover. 

If you want massive break-through online growth with real profits, you need to get started now.